Tag: Level-5 - Page 3

  • News Yasumi Matsuno Steps Away From Level-5

    Taking a well deserved - but not permanent - break

    It has been announced that Yatsumi Matsuno has left Level-5, the developers behind the Professor Layton series. Matsuno tweeted to his followers that he was retiring from the company due to personal reasons which he didn't state. Matsuno had only joined Level-5 in June last year and had been...

  • News Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney to Receive Director's Cut DLC

    There's no objection from us

    Siliconera has reported that Level-5 is planning to release a director's cut in downloadable content form for its upcoming puzzle adventure crossover, Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney. The DLC, which will be available some time after the game releases in Japan on 29th November, features an unedited script of the...

  • News Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask Trailer Showcases New Features

    "Every (downloadable) puzzle has an answer"

    With only a few weeks until its Western release, Level-5 and Nintendo have released a brand new trailer for Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, which shows off a handful of new features. Taking full advantage of the 3DS hardware, Layton's latest adventure is fully rendered in 3D, and comes jam-packed...

  • News Witness Layton's 'Last Adventure' In New 3DS Trailer

    Yet another Level-5 trailer

    Today Level-5 has most definitely been leading the pack at Tokyo Game Show, showing off all its upcoming 3DS titles and wowing the crowds with gorgeous new trailers. Earlier today we reported the newly released trailers of Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney and Fantasy Life, and now we bring you the brand new trailer for...

  • News Take a Look at Level-5's Fantasy Life TGS Trailer

    It's all kinds of cute

    Level-5 is keeping itself very busy at the moment, with the development of the upcoming Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, as well as possibly the cutest RPG you will ever come across, Fantasy Life. The new trailer from Tokyo Game Show shows off the customisation features, some of the 20 playable jobs (such as a fisherman,...

  • News Capcom and Level-5 Reveal Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney TGS Trailer

    Showing both styles of gameplay

    If you were ever concerned that one of the two franchises in Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney would overshadow the other, then fear not, as this brand new trailer hot from Tokyo Game Show should put all your worries at bay. The trailer demonstrates not only the integration of the two art styles, but also the...

  • Talking Point The Future of Professor Layton

    A puzzle yet to be solved

    Thanks to its unique control interface and dual-screens, the DS generation has paved the way for some of the most diverse games ever committed to cartridge, perhaps none more so than the Professor Layton series. Ask a number of people ten years ago whether they would be interested in playing a game that tasks you with...

  • News New Professor Layton Title Confirmed for iOS and Android

    Taking investigations beyond Nintendo

    The Professor Layton series has become rather popular on Nintendo DS and 3DS, with the first of the latest handheld's entries arriving outside of Japan in late October. It's much-loved in Japan, especially, with manga, novels and a movie — Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva — all being released, the...

  • News Guild01 Could be Coming to North America

    Join up

    Have you been looking forward to Level-5's Guild01, the 3DS collection that gathers together four games from renowned developers? You might be in luck, as some trademarks have been uncovered that suggests it could be on the way to North America. Siliconera has been doing some digging around and discovered trademarks listed for Crimson...

  • News Level-5's Fantasy Life Living it up With Official Website

    What a life

    The official website for Level-5 / Brownie Brown RPG Fantasy Life has finally burst into existence. The website can be found here. It's all in Japanese, but if you pop over there you can at least see some new screens and artwork that show off the town and avatar system. Much of the information was also published in Japanese magazine...

  • News Time Travelers Live Action Advert is All Tears

    Why so serious?

    Level-5 has been very cryptic so far with information about its upcoming release of Time Travelers in Japan this week, and things aren't about to get any clearer with these two latest trailers. Even with only three days before its launch on Nintendo 3DS and PS Vita, and ten days until Time Travelers releases on PSP, Level-5 are...

  • News Professor Layton Wii U Would be Interesting, Says Hino

    It sure would

    Level-5 top dog Akihiro Hino has told Famitsu (via Andriasang) a 3D Professor Layton game on Wii U would be 'interesting'. So far the popular puzzle series has only appeared on portable formats, but with the Wii U's touch screen GamePad and wealth of inputs it might be able to do the tricky teasers justice. Hino says a game where you...

  • News Level-5 Trademarks Professor Layton and Miracle Mask

    A puzzling reveal possible at E3

    It's no secret that Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle will eventually be released worldwide. It was a 3DS launch title in Japan, and although we always have to be patient, the puzzle-master with the wonderful hat always makes his way to the West. According to recent reports, that arrival may not be far away...

  • News Level-5 CEO Raises Possibility of Inazuma Eleven MMORPG

    Possible, but strange

    The Inazuma Eleven series is still relatively unknown outside of Japan. The first two DS titles have arrived in Europe, though only after a fair bit of waiting, while the third for the system, the series debut on 3DS and two Wii spin-offs are yet to arrive outside of Nintendo's homeland. We can safely assume, due to the volume...

  • News "Too Many Hurdles" to Ni No Kuni DS Translation

    Magic book blamed

    Level-5 and Studio Ghibli collaboration Ni No Kuni is getting an English release on PS3 in 2013, but its DS counterpart won't be leaving Japan. Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino explained to Famitsu (via Andriasang) some of the difficulties preventing the portable adventure reaching the West. The DS game comes with a large Magic Master...

  • News Inazuma Eleven 2 Shoots for Europe in 2012

    A game of two halves

    Football RPG Inazuma Eleven must have done reasonably well for itself across Europe as Nintendo has announced the sequel is on the way in 2012. The tentatively titled Inazuma Eleven 2 is to be split into two games, currently subtitled Firestorm and Blizzard, as it was in Japan upon its initial release back in 2009. If you're not...

  • News Nintendo Europe Confirms Professor Layton for 3DS in 2012

    Mystery solved

    Nintendo of Europe has announced Professor Layton on 3DS will release across the continent in 2012. Known in Japan as Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle — currently called Professor Layton 5 in Europe — was released with 3DS in the Land of the Rising Sun. Layton and Luke arrive in the town of Montdol to investigate the...

  • News Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva DVD Out 8th November

    Worth investigating

    After a successful première at New York Comic Con, Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva is set for a DVD release in just a few days. VIZ Media has announced the film will see release North America on 8th November, with a recommended retail price of $19.97 U.S. or $19.98 CAN, though you can buy it direct for $14.99. It'll be...

  • News New Fantasy Life Trailer is the Cutest Thing You'll See Today

    Also contains giant dragon

    Level-5 and Brownie Brown collaboration Fantasy Life is shaping up to be pretty special, if the super-cute video below is anything to go by. Revealed this past weekend at Level-5's regular press event, the video shows off some of the game's anime-styled cut scenes as well as in-game footage of the fantasy world itself. As...

  • News Guild 01 Is a 3DS Compilation by Japan's Brightest Lights

    A dream team of talent

    Level-5 is extremely busy on 3DS these days: we know a little more about Fantasy Life but the company also just announced a new project called Guild 01, a collaboration between some of Japan's best designers. Grasshopper Manufacture's Suda 51, Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen director Yasumi Matsuno and Seaman creator...

  • News Get the Job You Always Wanted in Fantasy Life for 3DS

    No, not Nintendo Life reviewer

    Japanese developers Level-5 and Brownie Brown — creators of Professor Layton and Mother 3 respectively — are teaming to make Fantasy Life for 3DS, an RPG about keeping your job at the end of the world. Famitsu (via Siliconera) reports that the game will feature 20 jobs including chef, lumberjack, scholar, street...

  • News Point Your Finger at This Layton vs. Phoenix Wright Trailer

    All together now...

    Two of the DS's greatest heroes are combining in one 3DS adventure. Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright is real, and it looks like this. The first thing worth noting is the 3D polygon models of Layton and Phoenix are remarkably faithful to their original two-dimensional selves, with the familiar sight of Wright's brow dripping...

  • News There's Hope for Layton vs. Phoenix Wright Outside Japan

    Another mystery to investigate

    The thought of seeing two of gaming's greatest minds face-off in Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright is the reason we get out of bed in the morning, but when it was revealed that Ace Attorney Investigations 2 wouldn't come Westward some were worried that future mental mastery wouldn't make it out of Japan either. Now...

  • News Professor Layton and the Spectre's Call Gets EU Release Date

    DS owners rejoice

    There is some good news for Professor Layton fans in the EU with confirmation that the series prequel, Professor Layton and the Last Specter, now has a confirmed release date of 25th November in UK and Europe. It will launch with the alternate title Professor Layton and the Spectre's Call. The game will have been out in Japan for...

  • News Professor Layton's London Life Won't Make It to Europe

    Update: bonus game denied

    Update: Nintendo of Europe has now backtracked on its original statement and told us that London Life isn't coming to Europe. Original story follows: Nintendo of America's Professor Layton and the Last Specter press release yesterday caused some concern for European DS owners as it seemed to imply that the title's bonus...

  • News Professor Layton's Last Specter Out in October

    London Life mode revealed

    There's something inexplicably thrilling about getting a new game, but how about getting two new games in one? We bet you're giddy already. The next announcement might just tip you over the edge: Professor Layton and the Last Specter is coming to North America on 17th October and contains a bonus game. Layton's had bonus...

  • News Level-5 May Consider Wii U Professor Layton Ports

    Staff members talk Wii U

    This week's issue of Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu features a section where game developers and producers talk about Nintendo's next home console the Wii U, and among those that took part were Level-5 president and CEO Akihiro Hino and Jiro Ishii, who's working on the upcoming 3DS title Time Travelers. As reported by...

  • News Nintendo Gets Around to Releasing Inazuma Eleven in UK

    About time

    In January, Nintendo did something unusual: it accidentally released a video game. A small number of copies of DS football RPG Inazuma Eleven from Level-5 deftly dodged the tackles of Nintendo's distribution system and scored a few goals with customers before Nintendo blew the half-time whistle and the error was corrected. Now the game of...

  • News Yasumi Matsuno's Gaming Skills Have Reached Level-5

    Just the right kind of experience

    This week's issue of Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu contains an interview with Yasumi Matsuno, a former staff member at Square Enix who now finds himself under the employment of Professor Layton studio Level-5. As translated by Andriasang, the video game designer with acclaimed titles such as Vagrant Story,...

  • News Nintendo: Inazuma Eleven Not Officially Launched in the UK

    Stock released "in error"

    Our British copy of Inazuma Eleven arrived recently, flying in the face of general wisdom that the game isn't yet available in the UK. Since then we've been in contact with Nintendo UK, who have been able to clarify the situation. Robert Saunders, Nintendo's head of communications, confirmed that the game has not officially...

  • News Proof that Inazuma Eleven Really Is Out in the UK

    Update: Nintendo speaks!

    The Inazuma Eleven saga continues. Launched in Europe on January 28th, the game's been absent from the vast majority of retailers, causing many sites to speculate the game isn't available. In fact, a Nintendo customer service representative told N-Europe: Unfortunately, this game has been delayed slightly within the UK. We...

  • News Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle to get Daily New Puzzles

    Level-5 really is outdoing itself

    Fans of the Professor Layton series should by now be familiar with Level-5's commitment to providing post-release content in the form of new puzzles, and the upcoming 3DS instalment isn't about to break that habit. Previous games in the franchise have provided new puzzles which could be downloaded on a weekly basis,...

  • News Level-5's Time Travelers to Materialise on the 3DS

    Shots accompany a company announcement

    Level-5 sure knows how to tease, doesn't it? First there was the rather cryptic announcement that a new game had started development. Then there was the webpage that contained a single piece of artwork that only raised more questions than it provided answers. When will we actually get some kind of solid details...

  • News Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton Team Up on 3DS

    Dream match never ends! And so on

    Get ready to pit your wits against two of the smartest characters ever to grace a Nintendo handheld: Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton are set to match up on 3DS. Officially called Professor VS Gyakuten Saiban, at the moment very little else is known, but it'll apparently be a combination of crime mystery and...

  • News Ni No Kuni Trailer Shows Stunning Animation Chops

    Dream collaboration looking fantastic

    Since we reported that Ni No Kuni is coming to North America we've kept an eagle eye on the team-up between legendary animators Studio Ghibli and Professor Layton powerhouse Level-5. Now Tokyo Game Show has given us a new animated trailer to gawp at, and gawp we must. There's no in-game footage shown, but there...

  • News Level 5 Draws Ni No Kuni to North America

    Inazuma Eleven on the way, too

    A combination of Professor Layton-developers Level-5 and Japanese animation powerhouse Studio Ghibli sounds like a winning mix, and Ni no Kuni: Shikkoku no Madōshi (or "Second Land: The Jet-Black Mage") is certainly shaping up to be another strong addition to the DS's stable of RPGs. Level-5 President...