
Topic: Cancelled 3D Donkey Kong game

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I remember DK Vine briefly talking about this a few years ago. It sounds quality, the concept of climbing and grinding to get to higher ground constantly is the sort of distinction I would want from a Donkey Kong game to avoid it being another collectathon platformer.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


Hopefully some day we get a 3D Donkey Kong game...or another 2D one. It's been over a decade, hopefully the project is now in Nintendo EPD's hands!

Some of my favorite games are Paper Mario and TTYD, SM64, Luigiā€™s Mansion, Pikmin 1-4, Kirby Forgotten Land, and the DKC OG trilogy (especially the first 2). All on Switch besides LM. Nintendo please bring it back!


This just makes me more bummed that we haven't gotten a new DK game in a decade. Yeah, I know there wasn't a new Country for many years in the 2000's until Returns, but at least there were plenty of spin-off games to tide us over. Without those, this past decade has felt even worse.

This game sounded kinda intriguing, especially Pauline being playable and a story about an ecological disaster. I'd be on board if it had K. Rool and the Kremlings. If anything, I just don't like the sound of DK getting redesigned again. It's for the best that he didn't go through a Skylanders Spyro phase!

Whirling Octoling

Switch Friend Code: SW-6880-0040-8826 | Twitter:


@Croctopus I've watched the half of the DidYouKnowGaming? upload discussing Activision Blizzard that really focuses on what went down with the Vicarious Visions DK game. It was independently developed as a pitch to Nintendo in the span of around 6 months, who reportedly responded favorably, but Activision Blizzard higher-ups canned the project because they wanted Vicarious Visions to become a support studio for Destiny and Call of Duty first and foremost. This spurred the founders of Vicarious Visions to leave, as they wanted to create their own projects and desired to work with Nintendo, and they went on to establish Velan Studios and do exactly that with Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit. Because the game only ever existed in a prototype phase and without an official name, not much attention was devoted to the premise or anything beyond the main concept and DK's appearance and movement. Liam Robertson talked with around a dozen employees who knew of the pitch, and none of them corroborated either the ecological disaster premise or the presence of Pauline. I do have to admit that the game sounds incredibly promising, and it's a shame that we probably won't ever get it. The rumors have since suggested Nintendo EPD Tokyo has been making a Donkey Kong game themselves - likely a 2D game, as they were hiring for one a few years ago. However, considering that Velan's founders were the ones pushing to work on DK to begin with, and the game sounds like it would've been fairly innovative in line with their current design philosophy, I don't think it's impossible that they try to get the project off the ground again. They might be working on another game with Nintendo, actually, as someone allegedly uncovered on LinkedIn that their HR director made a post saying they're hiring for a project tied to a widely beloved intellectual property 6 months ago, after the release of their Hot Wheels game, but the profile in question doesn't appear to be accessible to the public, and I'm not sure how reliable the guy is. Could have been a doctored screenshot.

(The title is entirely speculative)

Edited on by PikaPhantom


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